Vaidyaraj Anil and family have a long lineage as traditional family Vaidyas serving the society, since 1905
December 04: Handling stress well is the key in preventing Mental Spectrum Issues like Anxiety and Depression, which in some cases lead to OCD, Bipolar disorder and Schizophrenia.
Vaidyaraj Anil’s POOPpeepers.com offers a gut-based solution, which is 100% natural, safe and evidence-based for stress to Schizophrenia, using the Gut-Brain Axis (GBA) concept.
POOP Reflects Gut. Gut Reflects Brain. POOP Reflects Brain. Fix POOP to fix Brain. The Bristol Stool Chart defines the various poop types and what is desirable.
Gut Health is compromised by environmental and lifestyle factors, including food habits. In today’s toxic environment, there is absolutely no escape.
Indians are fast waking up to the importance of gut health. The West has been on it, for almost 10 years now. Millions of people use specific bacteria-induced Probiotics every day. Vaidyaraj Anil’s innovation over-rides these with ZeroCFU No Bacteria Gba Drops – the safest and most effective option – for anyone with or without a Mental Spectrum Issue.
The optimally balanced mix of micro-organisms in your gut ( read: large intestine or colon) is required for the body to operate. You may not realize it, but the gastrointestinal system contains trillions of bacteria, fungi, and even viruses, which are collectively known as the Microbiome. Out of these, 90 % reside in your gut, and hence the Gut Microbiome.
These serve a variety of vital tasks in the human body and literally define its immunity.
We came across an eminent personality, Vaidyaraj Anil who Shares with us”A Hunger for Sweets or Sugary foods & all the Good things of Modern Living”.
He Says, Make you Gut Good, & literally, Blame the Rest on it. Let Your Life Run on a ‘Gut Cruise’ Mode.
Fiber-rich foods, such as Wheat-based Goods, Cereals, fruits, Green Vegetables, and so on, are good for a Healthy Gut. Every One Knows.
BUT – Vaidyaraj Anil Says Do Not Bother About Food Choice.
Fix Your Gut Naturally by using Gba Nutraceutical Drops and then Allow your Gut to make its Choice of Food & its Quantity for you.
Get On to the ‘Gut Cruise’ Mode. You Would Never Go Wrong. A Good Gut Can Only Do Good for You. The Trillions of Wise Men (Read Bacteria ) Know What is the Best for You.
We Discovered that Vaidyaraj Anil, who has developed the Banyan Tree Based Gba Nutraceutical Drops, which he says are the World’s Best ZeroCFU ( CFU is Colony Forming Units – Read No Bacteria ) Probiotics for Gut, Says –
There is no need to Micro-analyze the POOP, to Select & Impose Live bugs onto it, like the West Does, with his Innovation.
It is All Supposed to Work Holistically, Naturally, and Irrespective of Anything by the Principle of Natural Selection, De-Selection of the Bugs within, all by itself.
“The ‘Second Brain’ is scientifically shown to be the Gut Microbiome,” he explains. It has been designated as the Newest Human Organ because of its incredible importance in Vital body functions.
With Respect to Any Disease or Health issue, One Must Research and Study the Gut and the Gut Microbiome Connection, and one shall be Surprised to See the Correlation & Impact of Gut.”
With His Start-up Venture, Vaidyaraj Anil attempts to ably Provide a Natural, 100% Herbal & Safe Gut Based Solution to all Mental Spectrum Issues including Stress, Anxiety, Depression, ADHD, OCD , BiPolar to Schizophrenia and Psychosis, using the Gut Brain Axis ( GBA) Concept.
Since 1905, Vaidyaraj Anil and family have been serving society, as Traditional Family Vaidyas.
“You are the Result of Millions of Our Prayers to God for Help.” – Such Compliments from Parents of Schizophrenic 19 to 22 years young sons and daughters, is what makes our day & our life, says Vaidyaraj Anil.